Friday, September 20, 2024

First Grade Newsletter and Pics 9-20-24

 Hi! We spent a lot of time this week talking about self regulation and what to do with all the different feelings we have. Two different calming areas and various fidgets were introduced. All of this along with our talk about whole body listening will work together to make us the best first graders we can be. :)

We will continue with routines and friends the entire year. However, next week we will start talking about Autumn and Apples! Math homework will continue Monday - Thursday. Great job on helping your child get in turned back in. 

We've been learning sign language! We're learning it together. It's new for me, too. We've learned how to say, "Hi, what's your name?" and "My name is ..." Everyone can at least do the first letter in their name. We've also learned help, please and thank you.

We finished our first unit in math. We had our assessment today and will move on to unit two next week.

Poetry Books are a favorite time in First Grade. We have new poems each month. Many are songs. We especially like acting out some of them! Ask them to teach you, "Hey There, Neighbor."

We have a 100 hour UMaine student. Her name is Sylvia Valentin. She started today and will be coming 1-3 times a week this semester. We look forward to working with her. 

We have a 30 hour Husson student that will be starting next week. Her name is Tania Paniagua-Ortiz. 


* Tuesday, September 24 - Field Trip to Conant's Apple Orchard. Bus leaves at 9:30. If you would like to feed the goats, it costs 50 cents. The machine takes quarters.

* Wednesday, September 25 - Picture Day! Wear your best smile!

* Thursday, September 26 - Making applesauce to celebrate Johnny Appleseed's birthday.

* Friday, September 27 - Flex Friday - Ask your child where and what s/he will be doing.

* Friday, September 27 - Outside Movie Night - Come watch Shrek from 5:00 - 6:30.

* Thursday, October 10 - Early Release Day. Students will be dismissed at 11:25.

* Friday, October 11 - No School. Teacher Inservice.

* Monday, October 14 - No School. Holiday.

Happy Weekend!

Happy Weekend!

Friday, September 13, 2024

First Grade Newsletter and Pics 9-13-24

 Good Afternoon! We survived our first five day week. We have now done all the parts of our schedule. We started using our chrome books. We've used them for Rocket Math and for IXL. We will learn a few more programs next week. After that I will send home all your child's passwords in case you want to use any of them at home. Speaking of chrome books, we sometimes use headphones. We have school ones. However, if your child would like to bring his/her own pair to use here, that is totally okay.

You may have noticed some work papers starting to come home. We have started doing a math paper as we come in each day. We go over them together. That is why you might not see corrections. Sometimes I collect them and sometimes they go right in their cubby. Please note if your child has a paper that says, "Please, finish at home." This means they had plenty of time but made other choices. The paper is now homework and can be brought back the next day. If it is something that I think might have been challenging for your child, I will help them finish later in the day so we can work on it.

We had a special Cactus Day on Monday. It was fun. Everything had to do with cacti, even an edible snack! On Thursday, we had a Name Day. It was fun trying to guess who's baby picture was who's. The kids were so proud telling how they got their names. We did a special project with the pictures (You will get them back safely. I used tape.) They are hanging in the hallway so everyone can see their sweet faces.

We started Peer Helpers on Tuesday. We will have a special sixth grade buddy all year! We played get to know you games this first visit.

Homework will start Monday. I will start with just math. It will come home every day except Friday. It shouldn't take long at all. It's just a quick way to let you know what we are working on. At the start of each unit I will send home the answers to all the homework. When the kids return their homework the next day, they will get two gems for being responsible. If you are busy that night, they will get two whenever they bring it back. :)


* Tuesday, September 24 - Field Trip to Conant's Apple Orchard. Bus leaves at 9:30.

* Wednesday, September 25 - Picture Day

* Friday, September 27 - Family Movie Night - Come watch Shrek outside on the big screen. 6:30pm.

Playing a Cactus Math Scoot Game

Making Handprint Cacti and Writing Goals for the Year.

Edible Cacti!

 Making Standing TP Cacti.

Playing a Get to Know You Game with our Peer Helpers.

Playing Top It during Math.

Illustrating our UFLI story.

Outside Fun.

Afternoon Break.

Making a Special Project with our baby pictures.

Name Games.

Remember When?! So tiny and sweet!

Happy Weekend!