Friday, March 7, 2025

First Grade News and Pics 3/7/25

 Hi! We started our rainforest/environmental unit this week. We learned about the different layers and about why the rainforest is so important to us. We also started rehearsing our play, An Earth Day Carol. The kids are doing so well with it already. We will perform it for families and friends on Wednesday, April 16th at 8:30am in the cafeteria. Make sure to mark your calendars!

We added editing and revising to our writing workshop. The kids now reread their stories and look for places that need fixing or more details. They then read their story to a peer and ask for input. After those two steps, they meet with a teacher and conference before sharing with the class.

Our first Swim/Gym/Gymnastics went great! The kids should have been really tired Tuesday night because they were moving for over two hours straight!

Miss Ortiz is teaching us an Earth Day song in Spanish! She also taught us a new exchange game with money and an addition game in math.

We have had lots of people sharing stories they have written. I am going to save their stories here at school for them to share after the play.

We had fun watching the middle school perform The Olympics. They showed us lots of different sports that are in The Olympics and taught us some interesting facts!


Monday, March 10 - Making Leprechaun Traps - please bring any materials you want for your trap. We will also have stuff here.

Tuesday, March 11 - Gymnastics/Swim/Gym - dress comfy and bring a bathing suit and towel (goggles optional)

Thursday, March 13 - Pajama Day - Movie and Popcorn (We reached our tab goal!) We’d love some parent volunteers to help with making popcorn at 8:30. Just let me know if you are available. 11:25 Dismissal

Friday, March 14 - No School - Book Orders Due

Monday, March 17 - St. Patrick’s Day - Wear Green

Tuesday, March 18 - Gymnastics/Swim/Gym - dress comfy and bring a bathing suit and towel (goggles optional)

Friday, March 21 - Flex Friday

Tuesday, March 25 - LAST Gymnastics/Swim/Gym - dress comfy and bring a bathing suit and towel (goggles optional)

Monday, April 7 - Build Rainforest

Wednesday, April 16 - 8:30 am - An Earth Day Carol - Family and Friends Invited

Friday, April 18 - Flex Friday - Vacation begins

Happy Weekend!