Thursday, October 10, 2024

First Grade News and Pics 10-10-24

We had quite the Wishy Washy week! We read lots of Mrs. Wishy Washy big books. We use these big books to do lots of word work. We especially like trying to figure out hidden words. This shows us how we can use the context of the story to help us figure out new words along with the phonetic sounds. 

We made a new class book called Wishy Washy First Grade. We painted with mud (chocolate pudding) to make our mud illustrations. We sponge painted with bubble wrap to make our tub illustrations. The books will come home sometime next week.

I'm sure you have been hearing about our Secret Stories. This class loves finding them! They will be able to take a copy home of their stories next week to share. They're just cute ways to remember the sounds various letters make together and alone.

Firefighter Pete had something come up this week so he will now visit on Monday, Oct. 21st. Our field trip to the Fire Station will be the previous Friday. (Oct. 18th). A permission slip came home today. Feel free to join us! Bus will leave at 10:00 and return at 11:20.

Dates to Remember

* Friday, October 11th - No school. Teacher Inservice Day.

* Monday, October 14th - No School. Holiday.

* Friday, October 18th - Fire Station Field Trip. Bus leaves at 10:00 and returns at 11:20. Feel free to join us.

* Monday, October 21st - Firefighter Pete visits.

* Friday, October 25th - Flex Friday.

* Friday, October 25th - Hullabaloo and Trunk or Treat.

* Thursday, October 31st - Halloween. No costumes but we will be doing some fun activities.

* Wednesday, Nov. 6 and Thursday, Nov. 7 - Parent/Teacher conferences. (forms coming soon).

* Friday, Nov. 8 - Teacher Inservice - No school.

* Monday, Nov. 11 - No School. Veteran's Day.

We figured out that there were sunglasses in the Guess Box today!
We got them because we learned the Secret Story of ay/ey.
They are too cool and love to wear their sunglasses, put their thumbs up and say, "Ayyyy." 

We love reading our MANY Mrs. Wishy Washy big books!

Using mud (chocolate pudding) to finger paint.
We used the mud paintings to make illustrate our own Wishy Washy book.

Happy Long Weekend!

Friday, October 4, 2024

First Grade Newsletter and Pics 10-4-24

 Hello! We are finally starting to feel like we are in a routine! We are excited that October is here. Our room is already in the holiday spirit. We finished up our quick apple unit. Ask your child about the red house that has no windows or doors but has a chimney and star inside! 

We did a special Superhero project as we took some time to focus on what makes us special. We turned ourselves into superheroes...we actually flew ;)! We learned about adjectives as we picked out ones that described us. We made a class Superhero Book. Some brought their's home today but others wanted to keep them in their book boxes for a little while longer to read here. We used the book Quick as a Cricket by Don and Audrey Wood as a format for our story. Ask your child about it.

We were Super Scientists and did our first experiment of the year. We predicted what would happen when we put Skittles in warm water. We then observed and described what happened. We were surprised to see that the color dissolved faster than the letter S. 

Next week we will be using our Wishy Washy big books to create another classroom book. We will also be learning about fire safety.

A reminder that we eat breakfast/snack at 9:15 each day. Primary students do not eat when they arrive because they do not have lunch until 12:00. 

Dates to Remember

* Wednesday, October 9th - Firefighter Pete comes to visit.

* Thursday, October 10th - Early Release. 11:25 Dismissal.

* Friday, October 11th - No school. Teacher Inservice Day.

* Monday, October 14th - No School. Holiday.

* Friday, October 18th - Fire Station Field Trip. Bus leaves at 10:00 and returns at 11:20. Feel free to join us.

* Friday, October 25th - Flex Friday.

* Friday, October 25th - Hullabaloo and Trunk or Treat.

* Thursday, October 31st - Halloween. No costumes but we will be doing some fun activities.

A cool invention!

Writing Workshop

Painting the sky in our Superhero Book.

Afternoon Break

Making City Skylines.

Movement Math.

Super Science!

Afternoon Break.

Happy Weekend!

Friday, September 27, 2024

First Grade Newsletter and Pics 9/27/24

 Good afternoon! We've had a very busy week! We had Picture went well! We learned about the season of the apple tree and about Johnny Appleseed! We went on a field trip to Conant's Apple Orchard. Thank you chaperones!!  We made our own applesauce back in our classroom. We rewrote a book called Rain Makes Applesauce. We used a book called Six Big Apples for shared reading. We also rewrote a book called A My Name Is Alice. The kids had a choice to bring these three new books home or to keep them in their book boxes for awhile to read here. If you do not see them this weekend, you will see them soon.

We took our Reading NWEA this week. It is a computer standardized test that we take at the beginning and end of each year. The students did a great job answering 42 questions on their chrome books.

We had our first Flex Friday. Ask your child where s/he went and what they did. Our next one will be Friday, October 25.

In Math we are working on addition. We are practicing saying the higher number then counting on instead of counting that higher number out on our fingers and counting on. We are also working on knowing all the different ways to make ten as quickly as we can. We should know these basic facts instantly soon. Any help at home with this would be great.


* Friday, September 27 - TONIGHT...Outside Movie Night - Come watch Shrek at 6:30.

* Thursday, October 10 - Early Release Day. Students will be dismissed at 11:25.

* Friday, October 11 - No School. Teacher Inservice.

* Monday, October 14 - No School. Holiday.

Conant's Apple Orchard

Taking our NWEAs

Practicing our Addition Facts by Graphing Dice Totals

A beautiful day for kickball

Our Field Trip

Clapping Songs

Show and Share

Making Applesauce

Rewriting the book Rain Makes Applesauce

Buddy Reading

Playing 10 Speed

We are great cooks...our applesauce turned out great!

Happy Weekend!