Friday, May 26, 2023

First Grade News and Pictures 5/26/23

Hi!  We are reading the book, Charlotte's Web. We are using the book to learn new vocabulary, talk about character traits, parts of a story and how choices of words can make great sentences. This book helps us end out our year round focus on friendship. 

We had a visit from Mrs. Sirois' cousin, Pilot Pete. He gave a great presentation on how he became a pilot and everything his job entails. We then watched a video of Mrs. Allen's father on his job as a pilot.

We went to the OT YMCA for our Wellness Day on Thursday. Ask your child what they did.


* Spring Music Concert - Wednesday, May 31st at 6:00pm Meet in cafeteria at 5:50.
* Field trip to Witter Farm at UMaine - Wednesday, June 7th - 9:30 - 11:30
* Step Up Day - Monday, June 12th
* Field Day / Barbecue / Last Day - Tuesday, June 13th

Happy Long Weekend!

Saturday, May 20, 2023

First Grade News and Pics 5/19/23

 It was a great week even with the cold temps (and even some snow squalls!) We celebrated Dragon Week because we finished the Dragon Masters series. The last two books of this series are yet to come out. You can get #24 in August! 

We made all kinds of different dragons, wrote about dragons, read lots of dragon books and even made bite size tacos as a response to the books, Dragons Love Tacos 1 and 2. We became Dragon Masters because we hatched our own dragons from eggs and had special dragon stone necklaces so we could connect with them. We wrote Dragon Diaries, too. Oh, how can I forget...we even had fire breath!

We started reading Charlotte's Web. The Grand in Ellsworth is putting on the Charlotte's Web on Friday, June 2 through Sunday, June 4th. I've seen the play and it's wonderful. Might be a fun family outing. You can get details on this link. The Grand.

Next week we will finish up fairy tales. Our beans have started to grow! We can't wait to take them home.

Our last unit will be rivers and oceans. Where has this year gone?!!

* Wellness Day - Thursday, May 25th (OT YMCA) Swimsuits, sneakers, comfy clothes needed.
* Pilot Visit - Friday, May 26th
* Spring Music Concert - Wednesday, May 31st at 6:00pm Meet in cafeteria at 5:50.
* Field trip to Witter Farm at UMaine - Wednesday, June 7th - 9:30 - 11:30
* Step Up Day - Monday, June 12th
* Field Day / Barbecue / Last Day - Tuesday, June 13th

Happy Weekend!

Friday, May 12, 2023

First Grade News and Pics 5/12/23

We had a great week! We read lots of fairy tales. We used the fairy tales to look characters, setting and plot. We compared fairy tales that were retold by different authors to look at differences. We practiced reading one version on our own each day and then answered comprehension questions. We are getting good at reading our own questions! As the fairy tales begin to come home from book boxes, please have your child read them to you. 

We turned milk cartons into Jack's house and planted magic beans in them. We also made castles that we attached to straws to put in our soil. We're hoping the beans will grow right up to the castle!

We sadly finished our last Dragon Masters. There are two more books in the series. One comes out in August if you are looking for a good read for your child. We will spend next week doing lots of dragon related activities! If your child has any dragon play figures, books or stuffed animals, they can definitely bring them in!

In math, we are working with geometry. We talked about the difference between 2D and 3D shapes, the names of the shapes, defining attributes, polygons and quadrilaterals. We also started working with fractions. Next week we will be working with money. Grab some coins and have your child practice naming them and telling their values.

We did lots of special writing about our mothers! It was fun to hear the kids talk about their moms!

We took our Reading NWEA on Thursday. We will take the Math NWEA next week.

I'd like to thank everyone that helped with all the PTO teacher appreciation goodies this week! It was so sweet coming to school and seeing the walkways decorated and all of the specials snacks and lunches. It meant a lot and was greatly appreciated!

* Monday, May 15th - Dragon Week Begins
* Wellness Day - Thursday, May 25th (OT YMCA)
* Pilot Visit - Friday, May 26th
* Spring Music Concert - Wednesday, May 31st at 6:00pm
* Witter Farm at UMaine - Wednesday, June 7th - 9:30 - 11:30
* Step Up Day - Monday, June 12th
* Field Day / Barbecue / Last Day - Tuesday, June 13th

Happy Weekend!