Friday, September 29, 2017

PICS from week ending 9-29-17

We LOVE projects! This one took two days....many multi-step directions!
We made ourselves climbing a ladder to the moon.
Just like the book, Papa, Please Get the Moon For Me.

We welcome Jason McCutcheon. 
He is doing a field placement on Mondays and Wednesdays with us. 

Prodigy, IXL and Space Play...we love when we get to choose!

We took a break from our travels through the solar system and 
enjoyed some Fall activities on Earth ;)!
We read apple books, wove baskets and made apple pizza!
It was fun and delicious!

Happy Weekend!

September 29 News

Dear Parents,

Hi! We have had a busy week! We learned about the moon and did a special project to go with the Eric Carle book, Papa, Please Get the Moon for Me. We also started our Family of the Sun books. We will be “traveling” through the solar system and adding what we learn to these books. Ask your child what s/he learned about Mercury.
We took advantage of Maine’s apple season to learn a little about apples. Today we made apple pizzas, read apple books and did a special project relating to apples. Ask your child what we found inside the apple!


The class is doing really well during Reading Workshop. It’s exciting to see their love for books. We’ve been reading lots of space books and Robert Munsch books. Please make sure to check backpacks each day to see if they have a book to read for homework and then make sure to send it back the next day.
Both grades took their first test. We will be working with unit two next week. An idea if you want your child to get ahead in math...have them sort and count change. I have them sort and then count all the biggest value coins first then work their way down to pennies. This helps tremendously in in many different math areas!


  • October Book Orders are due Thursday, Oct. 5th.

  • Thursday, Oct. 5th - The Challenger Learning Center is putting on a Solar System Walk! From 5:00 - 6:30 PM there will be fun space activities planned for all ages along the Bangor Waterfront. The event is free to the public. Although it is not necessary, they ask that people register to make sure they have enough supplies. You can register at

  • No school Friday, Oct. 6th or Monday, Oct. 9th.

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, September 20, 2017


Our classroom is SPACED OUT! 
We are having fun exploring our space books, toys and rocket!

Working on a multi day space project!

We love reading Robert Munsch books!

Chrome book time is always available when work is done.

Our second group of Peer Helpers.
Each group alternates Tuesdays.
We love their help!

Even our Middle School buddies like our new rocket tent :)!

Playing the Exchange Game in Math.

Finishing up our Space Project.
They are hanging in the hall.