You will be picking up a large manilla envelope labeled with your child’s
name. Inside you will find his/her yearbook. It has lots of your child’s
writing and pictures from entire year in it. Also, in the yearbook is a special
section your family can fill out to remember your time together during this
historical pandemic. You will find an envelope addressed to your child.
Please have them open it Thursday afternoon/evening. It has a balloon
they will need to have blown up to bring to our Friday Zoom meeting. It
also has a paperclip for popping. However, they may choose to keep the
balloon to play with. We’re going out with a BANG!
Wednesday, June 3
8th Grade visits our Zoom. If you want, make a good bye sign.
Thursday, June 4
Step Up Day - meet with Mrs. Humphrey. I will send link on Wednesday
through email and post in google classroom on Thursday morning. Open
that envelope from the parent pick up earlier this week. Blow up Balloon to
get ready for tomorrow.
Friday, June 5
Last Day, Bring a Snack and your balloon to Zoom at 10:00. VCS Staff /
8th Graders Car Good-bye Parade beginning at 2:00. Show your VCS
pride and make a sign. :)
Saturday, June 6
Summer Fun Learning starts on Google Classroom. This is all optional.
Everything will be posted at once. Feel free to use any of it at your leisure
throughout the summer. If you have any questions, send me an email and I
will get back to you as soon as I can.