Hello! We've had a busy week. We had our first six tradition shares. They were terrific. The kids did a super job talking about one of their favorite family traditions. We will continue with traditions and fairy tales the rest of December.
We are working with vowel sounds and how they change from short to long. We looked at words ending with a silent e, gh words and double vowels. We rhymed them and practiced reading them with the letters that make the vowel long and then without.
We learned a new game. It's called Around the World. It's a fun way to practice sight words.
We finished up unit four in math. We are currently taking the assessments. You will get them next week. I give them one or two people at a time so I can write notes about how they came up with their answers. This helps me guide my future lessons.
We learned how to play Kahoot on the computer. It's a fun way to practice math facts.
* Wednesday, December 22nd will be the last student day of 2021. It will be a Pajama Day. We will be doing some special Primary Wing Activities. More details to come next week.
* Students may bring sleds to school. Please make sure your child's name is clearly labeled on them if you decide to send them.
* Reminder that we go out twice a day. Snow pants, jackets, water-proof mittens/gloves, hats and boots are needed. It's a good idea to label everything. Picture your child getting ready to go out when they are at home...now multiply that by 55. That is why labels are great :).