Thursday, November 25, 2021

PICS from the last three weeks 11-25-21

 We have been so busy these past three weeks!
We had STEM centers.
We built a table for Thanksgiving dinner, made a ship to see how much weight it could float, built a hideout for a turkey, put feathers on a turkey and made Macy Day Parade Balloons!

Using a show and share coupon.

Math riddles and measurement.

Jack and the Beanstalk Project.

Sharing a story.

We finished Charlotte's Web and found Spiders and Egg Sacs in the Guess Box.

Show and Share.

Communicating with Light.

Sharing a stories.

Edible Spiders.

Sharing a stories, making thankful turkeys and
working together.

You can never eat enough spiders ;).

We were in the Macy's Parade. ;)

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and November break!