Wednesday, August 30, 2023

PICS from DAY ONE 8/30/23

 First Grade Pictures...
I LOVE taking them!! I try my very best to get everyone as often as I can.
It's hard to get the exact equal amounts of each child each activity/day. 
We get busy and it gets hard to keep a camera going the entire time.
On that note, please know the pictures all equal out in the end.
Please feel free to screenshot any pics of your kids and use them. 
Also, for some reason the blog puts my pictures on backwards so you will see
the most recent picture first and go backwards in time. 

We had a terrific first day together. What a great group!! I feel very lucky!
We read lots of books, went on a scavenger hunt, shared about ourselves and 
explored the room. The day went so fast! 

What a great first day! 
It's going to be an awesome year!