Good Afternoon! We have been traveling through space and are currently in the asteroid belt! We've learned lots of cool facts about all the inner, rocky planets. We also learned about asteroids, comets and meteors. Did you know when a meteor hits the Earth it's called a meteorite? We think it should be called a meteor-wrong! haha. Next week we will travel to the outer, gas planets. Don't worry we'll still make it back in time for pick up each day!
Flex Friday was today! Ask your child where s/he went and what they did!
Ms. Ortiz is teaching Unit Five Math. They are working on place value. They work with base ten blocks and money to practice exchanging ten ones for a ten and ten tens for a hundred. A fun game you can play at home is to see who can make $1.00 the fastest. Put pennies, dimes and a dollar bill in a bowl. Take turn rolling a dice. Take pennies for each roll. When you get ten pennies, trade in for a dime. The first person that can trade ten dimes in for $1.00 wins. To make it super challenging, you can play this backwards. Each person starts with $1.00 and works to be the first to get rid of all their money.
We talked about Martin Luther King, Jr. The Civil Rights team came to our room and read us a bibliography about him. We also watched a couple of short clips about him. We talked about how we can be like him and make a change in our world. We're working on making sure everyone in our school family feels safe, valued and are able to thrive.
Our UFLI sound for next week is the digraph SH. We will be working on it in the beginning and ending of words.
* Friday, January 17th - Winter Wonderland Dance - PreK-5 - 6:00-7:00 w/families
* Monday, January 20th - No School. MLK Observance.
* Monday, January 27th - Bella Potter, a Hampden High School Senior, will begin coming in a couple days a week.
* Thursday, January 29th - Whole School to UMaine Collins Center to see Yamato Drummers.
Happy Long Weekend!