Friday, May 10, 2024

First Grade Newsletter and Pics 5/10/24

 Hi! What a week! We are learning lots about all kinds of ocean animals. We started working with fractions. We know that fractions are equal parts. We know fourths and quarters are the same. We learned that when reading fractions, 1/4 means one out of four equal pieces. We also did some reviewing for our NWEAs that will will take Tuesday, May 21 and Wednesday, May 22.

We saw the UMaine Steiners acoustic performance this week. They were great! 

It was great seeing so many of you at the Spring Concert. The kids did great in both the school rehearsal and the actual show. 

On Thursday, the seventh and eighth graders played a basketball game against some of our staff. It was pretty exciting.

End of Year Dates

Monday, May 13th - Last Talent Show Rehearsal (for those in it). Pick up at 4:00

Wednesday, May 15th - Talent Show 1:30 and 6:00 in the cafeteria

Thursday, May 16th - Firefighter Pete Visits

Friday, May 17th - Dragon Day - dress in dragon colors/style, bring in anything dragon

Tuesday, May 21st - NWEA testing

Wednesday, May 22nd - NWEA testing

Friday, May 24th - Flex Friday

Monday, May 27th - Memorial Day, No school.

Friday, May 24th - Tie-dying T-shirts (Please send in a white t-shirt by this day.)

Friday, May 31st - Can tabs are due! Last day for turning them in!

Friday, June 7th - Sheep and Cow Barns (Tentative Date)

Thursday, June 13th - Field day. Last Student Day. 11:30 dismissal.

This is what happens when you score too many points in the Staff VS Student Game. 

Happy Weekend!

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