Friday, May 31, 2024

First Grade News and Pics 5-31-24

Just a few pics this week...Newsletter is at the end. 

Hi! I can't even believe we only have eight and a half days left! Although I'm excited for summer, I'm sad to be giving up such an amazing group! We did lots of our regular curriculum this week. It's so much fun to read with the kids. They've come so far as readers this year. Please make sure to keep them reading all summer. It's a great thing to do 1/2 hour before bed...tell them they get an extra half hour to stay up if they're reading! Our math book is almost done. We're just reviewing right now.

There will be no more homework this year. However, I will give them the choice to bring home their reading group book still. It will be their choice. 

We tie-dyed today. Thank you to everyone who sent in extra shirts. We had enough for everyone to participate. I will wash them this weekend and we will sponge paint ocean animals on them next week. Shirts will stay here until the last day when we wear them to field day. Then students can keep them.

We have some special activities planned for next week that we could use some help with. I will email people personally with ways they can help.

Summer Birthdays - We have quite a few of them. I will personally email people to give them a School Birthday. If you want to have your child bring in a special snack, you may. If you do not want to, please don't feel you have to. Your child will still get recognized. I know what it is like to never have a school birthday so I try to give the summer kids a chance to experience one.

Dates to Remember: 
Monday, June 3 + Tuesday, June 4 - Painting T-shirts
Wednesday, June 12: School Barbecue 
Thursday, June 13 - Field Day / Last Day / 11:25 Dismissal

Happy Weekend!

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