Friday, June 7, 2024

First Grade News and Pics 6-7-24

 Good afternoon! We have had a busy and fun week! We had lots of special activities and themes going. We learned about sharks and made sharks. We learned about seahorses, drew seahorses and made seahorse magnets. We had two Lemonade Days. The first day we solved a Lemonade Mystery. It was like a phonics escape room. We luckily found the lemons are were able to make home-made lemonade. The following day we listened to a story about the saying, "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade." We then tried an experiment by sticking a peppermint stick into half of a lemon. We kept sucking on the stick and eventually the lemon juice came right up it and made it into a straw. It tasted like lemonade! Today we read a book called, The Memory Jar. We then talked about all of our favorite memories from this year. We picked five colored beads to represent each of our favorite memories. We also thought of a word that represents our year. We turned these into memory bracelets. They came out great!

We said good-bye to our peer helpers. They planned a fun activity for us in the gym and even brought us munchkins! We discovered egg sacs in the Guess Box. (cotton candy) It went with our book, Charlotte's Web. We had a couple of our classmates participate in the Young Athletes Competition at UMaine. We were excited to see their medals and hear about the fun they had.

Miss Chute from UMaine visited this week. She is a sophomore in Education. We enjoyed having her join us!

We had a couple of classmates earn a bike for LOTS of reading! Thank you Mrs. Shannon for running this program!

We sponge painted ocean animals on our tie-dyed t-shirts. A HUGE thank you to Rebekkah for helping us do this! They came out great. We will wear them on field day!

We said good-bye to Miss Girsa, our school nurse. We will miss her lots!

Next week is our last week together. Wednesday, we will have a barbecue to celebrate our last full day and to say good-bye to our eighth graders. Thursday is a half day. We will have field day and be dismissed at 11:25.  We have some special activities planned for each day. It'll be a super fun week!

Happy Weekend!

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