Wednesday, August 28, 2024

First Day Letter 8-28-24

Hi! We had a wonderful first day of school! I’m really excited to be back!  We are going to have a super year! Ask your child about our scavenger hunt!

I have enclosed our specials schedule and class list. Please note the days that the specials are on. Sneakers should be worn or brought for Phys. Ed. Library books can be returned on or before Library day. We will eat snack at 9:20 and lunch at 11:55 each day. Children are allowed to grab a working snack in the afternoon if they are hungry.  We go outside twice each day. Feel free to put an extra bag of clothes or keep a sweatshirt in your child’s locker in case of mishaps or changing temperatures. Students can change anytime during the day.

I will be emailing home newsletters each week.This will keep you informed of what is going on in grade one. You can also check my blog for information at:  www. Everything I send home, including homework, will be placed in your child’s folder. There will be no homework the first three weeks of school. Please make sure your child brings his/her folder each day. This is a good way for you to send in notes. I check folders first thing each morning. Another good way to reach me is by email, I check my email throughout the day. I also check it at night and on weekends. 

Reminder about transportation schedules...if your child’s schedule is going to change, I need a note or phone call from you. I cannot accept a verbal message from your child for safety reasons. Also, the earlier you can let the school know, the better. Last minute changes are hard when trying to get classes packed up and out.

Once again, I am really looking forward to this year. Together, we can make this a great year for your child!

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