Friday, August 30, 2024

First Grade News and Pics 8-30-24

Hello! We are off and running with our first three days completed! This week we focused on routines and whole body listening. We will continue with this next week.


* We found a mysterious Pokéball when it fell out of a book we were reading. It took us on a scavenger hunt all over the school. When we returned to our room we found lots of treats!

* We read a book called First Day Jitters and made our own Jitter Juice (Seltzer Water and Lemonade Packets).

* We had all of our specials: Art, P.E., Library, Music and Guidance.

* We shared what was in our Pokémon Bags. It was fun learning about our classmates!

* We brainstormed class rules.

* We decorated our gem boxes. Everyone has already earned ten gems and earned treat box or a coupon. Ask your child what s/he picked.

* We worked with partners in Math to play Number Squeeze and then put numbered Pokéballs in order.

* We figured out magnifying glasses in the Guess Box! Ask your child about it!

* We started finding Secret Stories in words! 

* We had afternoon break (a STEM break that we will continue through September as we wind down from Summer then it will be every Friday afternoon).


    I LOVE to take pictures. I will put them on each week. Some week you will see more than others as we get very busy! Also, some weeks you will see your child a lot and others you may only see your child a few times. Some kids love the camera while others do not. Also, you never know what goes on behind the scenes...sometimes I might have to stop taking pictures or kids may blink in the picture. I say this because I honestly try to get them all in everything we do but sometimes I don't. I'm sorry in advance. I do the best that I can. Also, feel free to use any of the pics of your kids that you want. I do not mind!

Another fun fact...for some crazy reason the pictures always get put on backwards or mixed up. It drives me crazy but at least they all get on there. That's why you might see today's pictures first and Monday's last.

It was a great week! I'm looking forward to this year!

Happy Weekend!

When you twin with a friend you have to have a picture!

Number Squeeze

Putting Pokéball Numbers in Order

We figured out that there were magnifying glasses in the Guess Box!

Afternoon Break Creativity

Had to get a picture of us Swifties!

Afternoon Break Creations


Outside Snack

Decorating Gem Boxes

Sharing Pokémon Bags

Jitter Juice


Starring First Grade 2024 - 2025

Sharing Pokémon Bags

Scavenger Hunt

Happy Long Weekend!

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