Thursday, November 3, 2016


It’s did that happen?! We had a great week! We survived the excitement of Halloween by mixing up our Primary Wing students and having them rotate through five S.T.E.M. centers. They had a blast spinning webs, creating with “bones”, building a structure that could hold a pumpkin, stacking balloons into tall towers and making edible spiders. It’s great seeing the second graders lead their younger friends in learning activities!

We learned about earthquakes. We had fun seeing who could create the tallest building to withstand a five second quake. We also started a social studies unit on Native American legends. AND best of all we got PEN PALS!! We are writing to a second grade class in Petaluma, CA. We looked at their school on Google Maps and checked their weather for the week. They are so lucky to still be in shorts weather! We will Skype with them after a few written letters. It’s very exciting!!


This has to be one of my favorite times of day! The kids are doing so well...check out the pictures on our blog! I love watching them lose themselves in a book. You’ll notice many of the kids like to lay down on the floor. If you have an extra pillow you are not using at home, feel free to send it in for your child to use during this time. They can leave it in one of their lockers. There’s nothing better than getting cozy with a good book!


Miss LaGrange is working with us on telling time and symmetry. The kids have been making some really cool designs using symmetry!
Thanks to my Tuesday Flex Time group I have brought in a bunch of board games. We have used them some in Math as well. Board and card games are such an awesome way to practice math and problem solving skills. Here are a few of the games:  Racko, Farkle, Yahtze, Monopoly Jr and regular, Sequence kids and adult, Apples to Apples Jr, Battleship, Connect Four, Checkers and Chess. There are also tons of games you can play with a deck of cards and dice...just google it online :)!


  • November Book Orders are due Thursday, Nov. 10th.
  • Veteran’s Day Celebration on Thursday, Nov. 10th. Wear red, white and blue!
  • No school Friday, Nov. 11th.


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