Friday, January 12, 2018


Hi! We’ve finally had a full week of school...the kids asked me on Monday, “Is tomorrow Friday?” On Wednesday they asked, “Do we have school tomorrow?” Safe to say vacation and snow days have really messed with our schedule hahaha. It’s great to be back. I always love this time of year. The kids seem to have grown a foot and are ready to take on the world. Needless to say, we’ve got a lot done this week! Our themes for January are fairy tales and matter.


We are doing a play! We have started rehearsing, THE RUNAWAY UNICORN.
We will present it to family and friends on Wednesday, Feb. 14th, Valentine’s Day, at 8:30 in the cafeteria.
We will be inviting you back to our room after to share stories. It should last about 45 minutes total.
We are reading tons of fairy tales. We have been looking for the special characteristics found in
most fairy tales and even comparing some of the stories. We will use this knowledge to write our own
fairy tale! We wrote back to our pen pals this week. They are very interested in our cold temperatures
and mountains of snow. We took some pictures to show them how much snow we have. We really think
we should take a field trip to meet them and check out their warmer weather! We also have been
working on opinion writing. We wrote our opinions of whether mittens or gloves were better in the winter.


We took our NWEA math tests this week. These are standardized tests on the computer.
The second graders took them in the fall. First grade joined in on this round. The kids did great!
There are 54 questions that keep changing so I can tell exactly what they each know and where they
need work. I will be using this data to keep challenging them :)!


  • No school Monday, Jan. 15th - Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

  • We will be making castles in a couple of weeks. Please send in any shoe boxes
    and/or empty toilet paper or paper towel rolls you have.

  • We changed a liquid to a solid today and made butter! It tasted yummy on our biscuits.

Happy Weekend!

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