Friday, November 30, 2018

PICS FROM 11-14-18 TO 11-30-18

Inside recess builds creativity!

Fire Fighter Pete came by and read us 
Pete The Cat Goes to the Fire Station
We had given him the book during the
Veteran's Celebration as a thank you for
teaching us about fire safety.

Show and Share Coupons are so interesting!

Paintings to go with the book,
The Legend of the Indian Paintbrush.

Practicing our map skills with a new game.

We got mail! The kids love sharing their Flat Stanley responses!


Thursday, November 29, 2018



Dear Parents,

     Hi! The kids came back ready and excited to work. We finished up our unit on Light and Sound. We continued with our map unit. We got a Flat Stanley response. The kids LOVE to get mail! We can't wait to get more!
     We will start "traveling" around the Earth next week to find out about December traditions in other countries. First stop...Israel. 


*  It may be still Fall but Winter weather is upon us. Please make sure your child has snow pants, 
    jacket, hat, mittens and boots each day. 

*  Since your child is now wearing boots to school, PLEASE do not forget to send in sneakers to
    wear in the classroom. You can even leave a pair in your child's locker if it's easier.

*  Our reading bookmarks seem to be not working. There are too many getting lost or not returned
    each day. Instead of wasting paper to keep making new ones, I will just be sending home the
    book from now on. Please make sure your child reads it to someone...even a sibling. Books 
    should be returned the next school day. 


     We could use more treats for our Treat Box. We are also in desperate need of glue sticks!
Thank you in advance for your generosity!


*  Thursday, Dec. 6th - Holiday Concert at 6:00 p.m.

*  Friday, Dec. 7th - Family Movie Night - Wear your pajamas and come watch Happy Feet.
    Auction items may also be picked up then. The fun starts at 6:00 pm in the gym.

*  Thursday, Dec. 20th - PAJAMA DAY! Wear your pajamas to school and even bring your
    favorite stuffy. It is also our student day of 2018.


Sunday, November 18, 2018



Dear Parents,

     Hi! Can you believe we've already had a snow day?! Let's hope that just means the cold weather will be over sooner this year! We were busy last week learning about maps and finishing up our unit on sound and light. We starting reading some Native American legends. We did an art project with the book, THE LEGEND OF THE INDIAN PAINTBRUSH.  We will continue with legends and maps after Thanksgiving break.

     We are going to do lots of Thanksgiving STEM activities this week. Miss Bromberg will read us a book about the Macy's Day Parade on Monday. We will get to create our own floats after.  On Tuesday, we will do four STEM centers:  catapults, building structures to hide a turkey, create a turkey using symmetry in it's feathers and build a table that can fit all of the Thanksgiving meal. We're going to finish our turkeys from last week and write about what we would do if we had a turkey for a pet. It might be a very short week but we have LOTS of great stuff planned!


     Please, make sure your child reads at least one book per day of break. The kids are doing so great with their reading progress. We want to make sure it continues. Plus, it's a great time to show off new skills to family members :)! Keep working on those double facts for math.


*  No school Wednesday, Nov. 21st - Friday, Nov. 23rd. Thanksgiving Break.
*  VCS online auction starts Wednesday, Nov. 21st. Check it out on our app or FB page. There are some great things on there. All money raised goes toward your child's educational programs.
*  Thursday, December 6th - Holiday Concert - 6:00 pm.
*  Friday, December 7th - Holiday Family Movie Night - 6:00 pm.
*  Thursday, December 20th - Last student day of 2018...Happy Holidays!


Friday, November 9, 2018

LOTS OF PICS 11-9-18

The weather was so nice a couple of times this week
that we had to take advantage and get some new class pics.

If the sign says it, it must be true! :)

Ms. Bromberg, our 100 hour UMaine student, taught us a
Mystery Science lesson on communicating with light.

We love taking advantage of our STEM materials
during inside breaks.

When it's raining and you need to test your moon rover to
make sure it will land safely...tables work out nicely.

We made thankful trees.

A special share that goes with our Light Unit.

Our Veteran's Day Celebration.

We presented Fire Fighter Pete with a special thank you
for all he does. He loved the Pete the Cat Goes to the
Fire Station book we gave him! 

Mr. McGovern, one of our classmates grandfathers, spoke about
his time in the Navy on various submarines. It was so cool!

We had our first Flat Self reply!
It came from Florida!
He had a great time visiting Harry Potter's castle!

Some pics for a Fall writing project.

Some recess pictures...if only this weather would stay!

We definitely know how to have fun!

Happy Long Weekend!