Friday, December 18, 2020

FIrst Grade News 12-18-20

 Hi! What an exciting week! Did you know there are only 7 days until Christmas?!!! Your kids are absolutely adorable. We are having fun listening to their elf stories and holiday traditions each day. We've even been able to get some work done in between ;)!

Reading and Language Arts

We finished our holiday cards for our classmates and cannot wait to open them on Tuesday! We read from Literacy Footprints. Don't forget this is a great site for your kids to use at home when you want to make sure the books they read are on their level. 

We've been writing in our December Journal each day. We wrote about the reindeer we made. We practiced nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs by doing MadLibs. Each child went home with a packet of them in case they want to use them at home. The kids loved doing them!

We finished Charlotte's Web. We were sad and happy at the same time. It's a beautiful story of friendship. We had Guess box after. The kids figured it out setting a new record! They found egg sacs (cotton candy), spiderlings and Charlotte in the box!


We finished Unit Four. Everyone did great on the assessment. We will begin Unit Five after vacation. It will deal with place value and adding/subtracting with base ten blocks. This gets them ready for carrying and borrowing.

We learned a math magic trick! I hope your child was able to stump you with their new trick. Let them show off this holiday season on Zoom or in person with their relatives. It's a great way for them to practice their addition skills without knowing it!

Items of Interest

* We had fun sliding at recess this week!

* As you know we are now wearing masks to recess. Unfortunately, it is hard for some to keep the masks on outside because their hats unhook them. We're thinking that neck warmers might be a good investment to help your child keep theirs on. It gets pretty cold when they lose their mask in the snow and need to put it back on or mittens need to come off to get the mask back on. According to the CDC rules, neck warmers cannot be worn alone. However, they'd work well over the mask. Thank you for remembering to send in extra masks for your child to change into after each recess.

* We frosted gingerbread cookies today. We made one to eat and one to take home. We're pretty sure first grade could start their own bakery! :)

* We only have two days of school next week. 

Happy Weekend!

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