Saturday, March 27, 2021


 Not many pics this week which shows just how busy we were!

We did a direct draw and water color painting for Spring.

We made animal habitats.

Session 2 of First Grade Robotics ended. The next two sessions will be for Grade 2.

We said good-bye to Ms. Jackson, one of our extra teachers from UMaine.

We will miss her lots!!

We are loving the warmer weather!

Happy Weekend!

Friday, March 26, 2021


 Hi! What a great week. We are in the midst of solving a new hypothesis. We're trying to see if the blue morpho butterfly lives in cut down rainforests or only in actual rainforests. This will help scientists learn about other animal survival rates and show us how important the rainforests are!

We are writing up a storm! We wrote opinion papers, started personal narratives and even wrote about habitats. We have lots of ideas flowing!

We started learning about fractions. We talked about how fractions are equal parts. We practiced breaking shapes up into halves, thirds and fourths. We talked about how 1/3 is saying we are talking about one out of the three equal pieces. 

We are reading lots of books each day. Many of the first graders are trying out chapter books. It's an exciting time of year, for sure! Please make sure your child is reading each day at home. 

Reminder: Wednesday, March 31st is an early release day. 

Reminder: If you haven't taken the online school survey that Mr. Cyr sent out, please do.

Happy Weekend!

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Pics Week Ending 3-18-21

 What an exciting week...

leprechaun traps, leprechauns, ukuleles, outside picnics,

Lucky Charm math and the start of our rainforest unit!

Happy Long Weekend!