Did you know that today is Friday, the 13th AND there is a full moon this weekend AND Christmas is in 12 days?! We certainly know it in Grade One! In all serious though, we're holding it together the best we can. :)
Tradition Shares are going great. The kids are loving hearing what each other does for traditions. They are asking thoughtful questions and giving positive comments during them.
We are working on the all, oll and ull sounds in UFLI. This is our second week on them. They are tricky. We will use them again next week to make sure they stick. Any help at home would be great.
We took a walk today with Kindergarten through the 110,000 lights in the Hathaway Light Display! We talked about the place value in that number. We also took pictures as we stood in the place of the I so we can write about being the I in Veazie next week. If you haven't seen the lights yet, stop by some night and listen to the music and watch the show!
The Hampden Boys Hockey Team came and read with us today! We read to them after and shared a snack. They invited us to come watch them play sometime. Their first game is Saturday at 5:20 at Sawyer Arena.
Next week we will have a Spirit Week. I've attached a copy of the days in case your paper one didn't make it home. Please don't stress over these. I know how busy everyone is right now. Just have your child go find something they think they'd like to wear in their closet. Anything goes! :)
There will be NO HOMEWORK next week. We'll start back up in January.
Our Husson and UMaine students got done this week. Miss Ortiz will be back to do her 16 weeks of student teaching with us beginning in January. We are hoping to see Miss Valentin in the building substituting, too!
Hampden Boys Hockey Team came and read with us!
We finished a 300 piece puzzle!
We worked hard on it for three days every chance we had!
We had fun checking out the 110,000 lights!
Tradition Shares.
Fun in the Snow (while it was here).
Dress up with us for Spirit Week!
The teachers had a top secret dress up week to see if the kids would notice.
It pretty much took the littles until today to catch on because of the crazy weather/schedule.
Monday - Patterns Galore
Wednesday - Socks and Sandals
Thursday - Holiday Outfits
Friday - Black on Black Day (Secret. Ninjas)
Happy Weekend!