Friday, September 27, 2024

First Grade Newsletter and Pics 9/27/24

 Good afternoon! We've had a very busy week! We had Picture went well! We learned about the season of the apple tree and about Johnny Appleseed! We went on a field trip to Conant's Apple Orchard. Thank you chaperones!!  We made our own applesauce back in our classroom. We rewrote a book called Rain Makes Applesauce. We used a book called Six Big Apples for shared reading. We also rewrote a book called A My Name Is Alice. The kids had a choice to bring these three new books home or to keep them in their book boxes for awhile to read here. If you do not see them this weekend, you will see them soon.

We took our Reading NWEA this week. It is a computer standardized test that we take at the beginning and end of each year. The students did a great job answering 42 questions on their chrome books.

We had our first Flex Friday. Ask your child where s/he went and what they did. Our next one will be Friday, October 25.

In Math we are working on addition. We are practicing saying the higher number then counting on instead of counting that higher number out on our fingers and counting on. We are also working on knowing all the different ways to make ten as quickly as we can. We should know these basic facts instantly soon. Any help at home with this would be great.


* Friday, September 27 - TONIGHT...Outside Movie Night - Come watch Shrek at 6:30.

* Thursday, October 10 - Early Release Day. Students will be dismissed at 11:25.

* Friday, October 11 - No School. Teacher Inservice.

* Monday, October 14 - No School. Holiday.

Conant's Apple Orchard

Taking our NWEAs

Practicing our Addition Facts by Graphing Dice Totals

A beautiful day for kickball

Our Field Trip

Clapping Songs

Show and Share

Making Applesauce

Rewriting the book Rain Makes Applesauce

Buddy Reading

Playing 10 Speed

We are great cooks...our applesauce turned out great!

Happy Weekend!

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