Saturday, November 19, 2022

First Grade News 11-18-22

 Hi! What an amazing week...I know I say that every week but really it's true! We started the week with a trip to the fire station. Firefighter Pete and Firefighter Jake showed us all their equipment and talked about fire safety. We even got to climb in the trucks! 

We learned about light in science. We know that we have to have at least some kind of small light to be able to see. We also learned three new vocabulary words: transparent, translucent and opaque.

We started learning some Secret Stories behind our tricky alphabet and the sounds letters make alone and together. For example, the ir, ur, and er gets their sound from always going too fast in their cars that they have to put on the breaks and it makes the r-r-r-r-r-r-r sound. The th sound is made because those letters should really not be allowed to stand together because they are always sticking their tongues out at each other making the th sound as they do. These stories are another way to help get those sounds mastered in reading and writing. 

We learned how to use Frames and Arrows in math. The rule tells us what to do with the number in the frame as it moves to the next frame. If there is no rule, we are learning to ask ourselves two very important questions. One, are the numbers getting bigger or smaller (bigger = +, smaller = -) and two, how much bigger/smaller? This will tell us the rule. We also learned that if there is only a number in the last frame and we have to go backwards to find numbers we do the opposite of what the rule is telling us to do. 

We continue to work with skip counting by 2, 5, and 10. There are some great videos on Youtube you could watch and practice with. Counting in the car is a great way to practice, too.

We had our first Flex Friday of the year. This year we will have Flex Friday once a month instead of weekly. This allows us to have a longer time with our groups so we can do more. The kids each picked their top three choices and everyone got their first choice. Our class split up into Creature Feature, Baking and Pre-K Fun. Ask your child which one they went to and what they did!

We have two special days coming up on Monday and Tuesday. Mr. Tweetie has planned a Cultural Fair for the entire school to take part in. We will be going to lots of different activities each day. 

Happy Weekend!

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