Friday, September 23, 2016


Hi! We have had a great week! We finished up learning about the different ways the Earth changes slowly. Ask your child about root and ice wedging! We will begin learning about the the fast changes that happen to the Earth next week...the kids are going to love it!

We finished our first unit in Math. The kids took it just like the “big kids”. They spread out and read directions and solved their problems quietly. As they finished they were quietly at their seat. This is a huge step for us! Last year I gave individualized tests to keep them focused and to make sure they knew directions. This will get easier each time we do it. They were very proud of themselves! It was great to see them staying quiet as they finished to allow their classmates time to think! 47 minutes is a long time for Second Graders to work like this! This earned them an extra fifteen minutes outside!!

We celebrated the coming of Autumn on Thursday by watching a couple of short clips about how we get seasons and how leaves change. We wrote about what we like about Fall. We will be doing leaf rubbings to go with our writing.

I’m sure you’ve been seeing lots of morning paper work and reading comprehension papers coming home. The morning papers are done as the students arrive in the morning. We correct them together as a group right after. The kids put them right into their cubbies to go home after. The reading comprehension papers are done at the beginning of Reading Workshop. I correct them and send them home. We spend time each week doing a couple together, talking about how to figure out what the questions are asking us and how to answer them. This can be tricky for them. Up until now they have been primarily focused on actually reading the words. Now, they are being asked to put those skills to work. Reading Comprehension is a huge focus of Second Grade. Talk to your child as you read books together and ask them questions. This will help them grow as readers!

Parent/Teacher Conference - 10/6 and 10/13 (3-7...more info. to come)
Friday, October 7 - Teacher Inservice Day (No school for students)
Monday, October 10 - Columbus Day (No school)

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