Friday, March 25, 2022

First Grade News 3-25-22

 Hi! We were busy this week with the Old Town YMCA field trip, painting paper eggs for Spring, planting grass heads and working on our rainforest murals. This weekend is Maine Maple Sunday. If you are looking for something to do this weekend, I'm attaching (to your email) a great opportunity to learn more about how maple syrup is made. It's right on Rt. 9 in Clifton and the family doing it is absolutely wonderful. (They're my son's swim coaches.) This is a short one because as you I'm sure heard, I was out a few days with my daughter. She had a health scare. Even at 24 she is still my baby. Things are much better and under control. It was great that Ms. Bilodeau could take right over so the kids didn't miss anything. It was so good to be back with their smiling faces today!!


* Report cards came home today.

* Monday, March 28 - Our last swim field trip. Don't forget swim suits and towels.

* Tuesday, April 5th - Chris Van Dusen zoom visit.

* Wednesday, April 13 - An Earth Day Carol - We will present our play to family and friends at 8:30 in the cafeteria. It should last about a half hour total with us ending sharing books in our room.

* Thursday, April 14 - Wellness Day - The entire school will take a field trip to the Old Town Y to pick from lots of great movement choices.

* Friday, April 15th - First Grade Field Trip to Children's Museum. More info coming soon. Last day before April break.

Happy Weekend!

Thursday, March 17, 2022

First Grade Pics 3-17-22

Sharing Stories, Engineering Traps, Sharing Builds, Swim, Gym, 
Gymnastics, Buddy Reading, Peer Helpers and more... 

Happy Weekend!