Hooray, we made it through February! We finished up our space unit and really impressed the planetarium staff with all of our knowledge! We will start our rainforest and environmental unit on Monday. This will go through April vacation.
We made space stations out of marshmallows and toothpicks. We also made solar system mobiles and aliens. These are all decorating our hallway and will come home next week.
We did LOTS of writing and sharing this week! We wrote about aliens and our own stories. This class has a great imagination! We are enjoying listening to the stories they write! The authors are loving have all of the positive questions and comments after they share!
We will be starting a play on Monday. Students will listen and select their top three choices for parts. I try to give everyone at least one of their choices. However, sometimes this doesn't work out because we need all parts filled. We will do the play on the stage for families and friends on Wednesday, April 16 at 8:30 in the cafeteria. It will last about 20 minutes and then we'll invite you back to our room to share some stories.
* Tuesday, March 4 - Middle School Performs "The Olympics" for school.
* Tuesday, March 4 - YMCA Swim/Gym/Gymnastics - Make sure to pack a swimsuit, towel and goggles (if you want them). Please have your child wear comfy clothes and sneakers.
* Monday, March 10 - Leprechaun Trap Day!! Dress for Mess! Bring anything you want to use for your trap. We'd love some extra supplies to share.
* Tuesday, March 11 - YMCA Swim/Gym/Gymnastics - Make sure to pack a swimsuit, towel and goggles (if you want them). Please have your child wear comfy clothes and sneakers.
* Thursday, March 13 - Share traps with school. Early Dismissal: 11:25.
* Friday, March 14 - No school. Teacher Inservice.
* Monday, March 17 - St. Patrick's Day - Don't forget to wear green!
* Tuesday, March 18 - YMCA Swim/Gym/Gymnastics - Make sure to pack a swimsuit, towel and goggles (if you want them). Please have your child wear comfy clothes and sneakers.
* Tuesday, March 25 - LAST Swim/Gym/Gymnastics - Make sure to pack a swimsuit, towel and goggles (if you want them). Please have your child wear comfy clothes and sneakers.
* Wednesday, April 16 - An Earth Day Carol - 8:30 am.
Happy Weekend!
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