Saturday, February 15, 2025

First Grade News and Pics 2/14/25

 Happy Valentine's Day! Somehow we survived the week. Thank goodness for vacation so we can get all of these germs cleared out. We did manage to get quite a bit done even with the crud that is going around. So thankful for our amazing student teacher, Miss Ortiz, for holding down the fort and keeping everything going as usual while I was sick! This week, we made Valentine Sloths and wrote about someone we love a sloth, we wrote opinion papers on which pet is better: cat or dog, we worked on telling time, learned roman numerals and what palindromes (words or phrases spelled the same forward and backward, are! We joined second grade on a field trip to the planetarium and watched the Staff VS Students basketball game. However, the absolute best thing we did all week was open our valentines! It is so much fun watching the kids do this. They are so sweet as they excitedly open and then quickly thank their friends. We had our special popcorn snack later in the day as we watched Space Musical. Ask your child what they added to their popcorn! 

There is no official homework during vacation. However, reading is ALWAYS a great idea! Have a wonderful vacation, rest up and send the kids back healthy! :)

Our Sweet Sloths

When we finish writing a story we get to share it with the class!
Our classmates give us great feedback after!

Happy Vacation!

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