Friday, February 7, 2025

First Grade Newsletter and Pics 2/7/25

 Happy 100th Day of School! This week has been quite exciting! We continued learning more about space. We focused on the moon and its phases. We spent our half day on Thursday doing lots of Super bowl activities. The Husson players will come visit us next Thursday afternoon for a post celebration. 

Friday we celebrated the 100th Day of School. We started the day finding 100 kisses hidden throughout the room. We matched their number to a 100 chart to make sure we got them all. We worked as a school to find 100 pictures of Mr. Tweedie that were scattered throughout the building. We did lots of 100 challenges:  100 dot to dot, 100 puzzles, 100 math problems, 100 word poems and creating with 100 gem stickers. We wrote a book called I Wish I Had 100. We wrote a list of what we would buy with $100. We wrote about things we can do now that we are old. We had our picture taken to make us look 100 years old. We even had our picture put on a 100 dollar bill! We did lots of singing and dancing to get to 100 and we built and created with 100 of various objects (dominos, legos, Solo cups, mini cups, pattern blocks, unifex cubes, plus plus blocks and more! 

We finished Unit Five in Math. We will start a new book and Unit Six next week. It will work with time to the minute (mostly to hour, half hour and quarter hour). It will continue with place value, addition and subtraction.

We have brainstormed, made a story plan and started writing our first book! We talked about how introductions are important because we need to hook our reader in so they'll read our story! Ask your child what they have written about so far. It's exciting to see their enthusiasm and creativity!


* I am moving our UFLI assessment to Thursday, Feb. 13 due to the half day.

* Book Orders are due tonight. However, you can purchase books anytime by going to and using our class code: DV68C.

* Two permission slips are coming home tonight! One for Feb. 14 and one for Feb. 28. Flex got cancelled for Feb. 14 so Grades 1&2 are taking the pre-paid planetarium spot. Feb. 28 is just grade one which ends our space unit. Parents are welcome to the Feb. 28 trip.

* Monday, Feb. 10 - Valentines can start coming in.

* Thursday, Feb. 13 - Husson Football Players visit.

* Friday, Feb. 14 - Pajama and Popcorn Party for Valentine's Day. 

* Friday, Feb. 14 - February break begins.

Happy Super Bowl Weekend!

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