Friday, October 23, 2015


A group of first graders worked together to write a play. They began this during an inside recess (Yes, writing during recess...yay!!). They spent all of their extra time practicing and making invitations. Pre-K and Kindergarten came to watch!

I love to see kids writing stories at home! Look at this audience...they love it, too!

Have to love inside recess! It brings out the creativity in everyone!

We researched spiders this week! We used the information to write Haiku poems. 
We marble painted webs and made handprint spiders to hang with our poems!

We wrote a new big book. It's called WHO STOLE THE CANDY FROM THE CANDY BAG. We definitely have some future actors in this class! Love their expressions and enthusiasm! Don't worry
these books will come home for you to see when we are done reading them. 
I just couldn't wait to share their cute pictures :)!

We have a new reward system in our room. Students can earn "links" for making good choices such as:  being helpful and kind, working hard, trying their best, listening and using an inside voice. Ten links equals a trip to the treat box. Twenty links earns a prize pass from the Best Behavior Catalog. Passes range from wearing pajamas to school, bringing a stuffed animal, wearing a hat, sitting at the Jr. Teacher desk, picking their partner or even another trip to the treat box. We start over after twenty.

Today we started our day with a special birthday treat and Halloween bags. 
Let's just say we were very excited!

We finished our day with special sound experiments. A special thank you to our seventh grade friends, Audrey and Lydia for helping us! We had lots of fun learning how sound is made!

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