Friday, January 8, 2016


Happy New Year!  We are off to a great start in 2016! We have started our unit on maps. We have learned about how maps are made, the directions on a compass and how to use a map key. We’ve also practiced finding different states and countries on our classroom maps. During Peer Helpers, we went on www.googlemaps to find our house and other places of interest. Ask your child where s/he “visited”!  We will continue with this theme for the next two weeks.


We are taking a close look at Robert Munsch and his books this month. He is great author for first grade because most of his books are hysterical. They also have repetitive parts that help build fluency.
We are writing non-fiction books in writing.  The kids are having fun writing about something they know a lot about so they can teach the class. I told them that if they would like to bring in photos to use for their books they can. I can copy them and send them home. You can also email pictures to me at Some of the kids are writing about things they do or have outside of school so I thought it would be fun for them to add real pictures :).


We are working with place value by using base ten blocks and change. We are concentrating on tens and ones. We are also practicing our math facts by doing math minutes each day. I give the kids three minutes to work on twenty-five problems. The goal is to get more done each day. When they get all twenty-five done correctly in three minutes they move to the next level. Any problems that are not finished should be completed at home that night.


  • We are very excited about our FLAT STANLEY project. Many of our “flat” first graders have already left Veazie and are traveling somewhere in the world. We can’t wait to start getting our replies so we can put them on our map! If you haven’t sent in your address yet, please do a.s.a.p.

  • THANK YOU for remembering the snow gear!! The kids are loving outside recess!!

  • Please make sure your child still has sneakers/shoes for inside. Thanks!!

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