Friday, January 8, 2016



Here's a game you can play at home to practice place value and counting money. All you need are some dimes, pennies and dice. Take turns rolling the dice and taking pennies to match the amount. Put your pennies in a ten frame shape (see picture below). Once you get ten pennies, exchange for a dime. Once all of the dimes are gone in the bank you can keep playing for the rest of the pennies. Once the bank is empty each player counts their change. Make sure to count the dimes first. Player with the most money wins. You can extend the game by playing first to $1.00. Just use the ten frame method for the dimes and add a dollar bill to your bank.

We got a new outfit in the dress up box!

Earning coupons can get you Show and Share Time!

A new game made by one of our own first graders!

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