Friday, March 25, 2016


Hi! What a busy, four day week! We are putting all of our space knowledge to good use! We pretended we were astronauts and blasted off on a space journey. We wrote about what we did and saw in our astronaut shaped books. It was awesome to see the kids getting out their Family of the Sun books to get information to use in their stories.  We also had a deep discussion on our thoughts about other life in outer space. Many of us agreed that there just might be life out there in another solar system. We made our own aliens and wrote about them on their adoption certificates.
That probably seems like plenty, especially with the every day reading and math. However, the best part came today! We made space stations using marshmallows and toothpicks! Wow, can these kids create! They are quite the engineers! We had fun writing about our stations after.
Next week will be our last week of space. We will end it with our field trip on Friday to the Emera Astronomy Center at the University of Maine. Bus leaves at 9:30 and returns around 12:45. Feel free to join us. We will be seeing two shows and having lunch in between. Make sure you let me know if your child needs a school provided lunch that day.


We are working with Function Machines. They are kind of like Frames and Arrows but they run vertically. The students are doing a great job with them. The tricky part is when the book gives the out number leaving you to do the opposite of what the rule is to find the in number. 


Reading and Language Arts has been integrated a LOT with Science this week. We will be sad to see our space unit go!  We also read lots of bunny books and made bunny baskets.


 April Book Orders are due Friday, April 1st. 

 Friday, April 1st is our field trip. Don’t forget to pack a lunch or order a school lunch.

 We were excited to get special treats in our bunny baskets today!

 Thank you to everyone who helped out with our space stations by sending in plates, 
 toothpicks and marshmallows. The kids LOVED the activity!

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