8:00 Go over the schedule for the day. 8:15 Story - read to your child.
8:30 Reading Workshop - at least 1⁄2 hour of Raz-kids on portaportal - Your child should read aloud each story after they listen to it. Then they can answer the questions that go with the story. The next 20-30 minutes are a choice of: Lalilo, Epic, IXL or books you have at home. No videos on Epic. They can pick from listen to story or read themselves.
RAZ-KIDS username (if needed): lkimball21 password: 1234
LALILO - school username - EANPRC
LALILO - school username - EANPRC
10:00 Outside time - go for a walk, play in back yard, clean up yard, run around and get fresh air!
10:30 Writing Workshop - Pick from Writing Ideas below.
11:15 Outside Time - go for a walk, play in back yard, clean up yard, run around and get fresh air!
12:00 Lunch
12:30 Math - 1⁄2 hour of IXL math - I will star concepts for your child to work on. 1⁄2 hour Prodigy - please have them ask you for help if they do not understand concept so they can learn how to solve problem. You can also substitute in board games and math games!
1:30 Activity Time - pick something from the Activity List.
2:30 Dismissal :)
- Read to your kids. Share the story. Take turns reading.
- Shoe tying. (Please and Thank you!)
- Have kids highlight words they know in old print (newspapers, magazines ect)
- Make up scavenger hunts that your child has to read the clues.
- Build a fort everyone in the family can fit inside.
- Cook ingredients, look at fractions.
- Make a time capsule of this historical time in their life.
- Fill five glasses with different amounts of liquid. Tap on each. What do you notice? Writea song. Perform for your family.
- Keep a diary of your time away.
- Write a new version of Dragon Masters when they find a cure for the Coronavirus.
- Go for a walk or hike. Talk about what you see and hear. Make a collage when you getback home with things you find along the way.
- Interview your parents/grandparents/family members about what they remember aboutfirst grade. How was it different than your experience? Write down the similarities anddifferences.
- Make a leprechaun trap for at home.
- Email Mrs. Kimball at
- Watch a movie together.
- Play in your backyard.
- Write a play. Make sure there are enough parts for all your family members toparticipate.
- Write a puppet show. Make your own puppets or use stuffed animals. Perform for family.
- Call your extended family to say hi and tell them what your favorite part of this year hasbeen.
20. Board Games...Some great games are: Sequence, Racko, Farkle, Yahtzee, Monopoly,
Chess, Checkers, Connect Four, Headbands, Scrabble.
- Give your child a handful of change. Have them sort it and count it.
- Write a sentence. Cut it up. Hide the parts. Have your child find them and put thesentence back together.
- How many rhyming words can you make with: at, in, op, an, en, up, ike, ook, ate, ake...
- Draw and color a picture. Write about it.
- Write a family newspaper. Send it to extended family.
- Card games. Dice games. We use these a lot in math class.
- Puzzles.
- Practice telling time.
- Sing songs and/or nursery rhymes.
- Play dress up.
- Fly a kite.
- Have a dance party...introduce your child to some of your old favorites :).
33. Play-dough...making it from scratch is lots of fun! Recipes online. 34. Make paper airplanes and see who’s goes the farthest.
35. Go for a bike ride.
36. Play Hopscotch.
37. Draw and write with chalk outside.
38. Bake cookies.
39. Play hide and seek.
40. Jump rope. Count how many times you can jump. Teach some old jump rope songs.
35. Go for a bike ride.
36. Play Hopscotch.
37. Draw and write with chalk outside.
38. Bake cookies.
39. Play hide and seek.
40. Jump rope. Count how many times you can jump. Teach some old jump rope songs.
Make up your own comic (Don’t forget the comic maker on portaportal.).
Write a play.
Make a poster.
Write a new sequel to a Robert Munsch book for example: David’s Grandmother instead
of David’s Father).
Make a timeline of your life.
Make a timeline of someone in your family.
Write a biography about someone in your family.
Write your own autobiography.
Write a letter or email to a friend or family member.
Email Mrs. Kimball.
Write a poem.
Research your favorite animal and write about it.
Make a list of things you want to learn about, visit, do ect.
- Use a writing prompt. (below)
- Make up a story...try out different genres (fiction, nonfiction, historical, mystery, ect.)
In my __________ years of life, I’ve learned...
How do you think being a kid today is different from your parents’
What is the silliest thing you’ve ever done?
I’ll know I’m grown up when...
Who are your top three heroes?Write a story where someone makes an
exciting discovery.
Is it better to have a birthday close to Christmas or some other time during the
What does it mean to be a friend?
Write a story about life in 250 years.
When is it hard to be a kid?
What do you want to be when you grow up?
What would you do if you got locked in the mall overnight?
If you were a fly on the wall, what conversations would you want to hear?
Write a poem about yourself.
What is the most exciting place you’ve ever been?
Who was your first best friend? What did you like to do together?
What would a world without fighting look like?
Where do you go when you need to think?
What does it mean to be successful?
When I think of my best friend, I feel...
If you switched places with your mom or dad for a day, what would happen?
What is your favorite animal? Why do you like this animal?
Do you think humans will ever live anywhere besides Earth?
What is your favorite thing about yourself? The best day of the week is...
How many states have you visited? What did you see during your travels?
If I could travel back in time, I would go to...
Who is the most inspirational person in your life?
If there was a movie about your life, who would be in it?
What is something adventurous you’d like to try?
What do you do when you feel sad?
The best thing about being a kid is...
Imagine life as a super-secret spy and write about your adventures.Write a story
about a wild camping adventure.
Write a letter to your future self in ten years.
My favorite thing to do on the weekends is...
What is your favorite kind of weather?
If I were a color, I would be...
What adult privilege are you the most excited for? Driving? Voting? Staying up
What is your greatest talent?
What is your earliest memory?
If you could go to any planet, which one would you visit?
What is something exciting you’ve learned recently? Write about a time when you
were proud of yourself.
Could you ever live on a farm?
Write a story about life during the Revolutionary War.
What is the farthest place you’ve ever traveled to?
Write a letter to your favorite author, explaining why you like his or her book.
My favorite season is...
Write a letter to someone you want to thank.
Who is the smartest person you know?
If someone wrote a book about my life, it would be called...
What makes you happier than anything else?
What do you think life is like as a zoo animal?
If I could meet any celebrity, it would be...
Do you think world peace is possible?
My parents gave me the name __________ because...
If you went deep sea diving, what would you look for? If you could change one
thing about the world, what would it be?
Are you good at keeping secrets or do you like to tell them?
What is your favorite thing to do online?
Write a silly story about a day where everything happens backward.
A place that always makes me happy is... If you found someone’s lost wallet,
what would you do with it?
Write about your favorite childhood toy.
Imagine what life would be like on a pirate ship and write a story about it.
Write a parody of a popular song or story.
If you had wings, where would you fly?
Write about a time you surprised yourself.
What do you like best about your family?
If you had a school, what would you teach?
What is the best book you’ve ever read?
What is the best way to have a perfect day?
Write about a crazy dream you once had.
What is your favorite family tradition?
Write about a food that you disliked when you were younger, but couldn’t live
without now.
Write a story in the day of the life of your pet.
If you could name the colors in a box of crayons, what would they be?
What do you think the hardest job in the world is?
If you could decorate your room any way you wanted, what would it look like?
Write about a time when you were embarrassed.
What is the scariest thing you’ve ever done? What is your favorite kind of music?
What would it be like to be eight feet tall?
Why is journaling important?
Make up the rules for a fun, new game you and your best friend can play
Write a story about the toys or belongings in your room coming to life. What do
they do?
If you were a professional athlete, what sport would you like to play?
What is the best dessert ever? Write about your favorite game and why it is so
much fun.
What is the best thing to do on a rainy day?
Which of your family members do you have the most in common with?
Write a story about an unlikely pair of friends.
86. What do you think life is like for astronauts in outer space?
87. Write a sequel to your favorite fairy tale.
88. What qualities should a friend have?
89. Write about a time when you did something that you really didn’t want to. 90. If you wrote a book, what would it be about?
91. Imagine life as a butterfly – where would you go?
92. Do you think you’ll want to have kids someday?
93. Write an adventure story about your favorite stuffed animal.
94. Look outside and write a poem about today’s weather.
95. What would it be like to live in a cloud?
96. If you lived in a video game, which character would you be?
97. What are your three most important belongings?
98. What is your favorite holiday?
99. What is your favorite thing about writing?
100. Write a news story about a current event. What do you think aliens would
think if they visited Earth?
87. Write a sequel to your favorite fairy tale.
88. What qualities should a friend have?
89. Write about a time when you did something that you really didn’t want to. 90. If you wrote a book, what would it be about?
91. Imagine life as a butterfly – where would you go?
92. Do you think you’ll want to have kids someday?
93. Write an adventure story about your favorite stuffed animal.
94. Look outside and write a poem about today’s weather.
95. What would it be like to live in a cloud?
96. If you lived in a video game, which character would you be?
97. What are your three most important belongings?
98. What is your favorite holiday?
99. What is your favorite thing about writing?
100. Write a news story about a current event. What do you think aliens would
think if they visited Earth?
If you could learn another language, which one would you choose?
What is the first thing you do each morning?
What is your favorite instrument?
What would your life be like if you had a pet tiger?
Write a story about Paul and Polly the Penguins.
If you had to write a theme song for our school, what would it be about?
If you found a new dinosaur, what would you name it?
In 10 years, I will be...
Write about someone who always makes you laugh.
This is a list from online. It is not grade specific so use your own judgement when using.
From the jungle to your backyard, there’s a huge collection of animal-inpired
educational shows on Netflix.
● BBC: Life
● Tiger: Spy in the Jungle
● Elephant: Spy in the Herd
● Polar Bear: Spy on Ice
● Dolphins: Spy in the Pod
● Lions: Spy in the Den
● Bears: Spy in the Woods
● Penguins: Spy in the Huddle
● Blackfish
● Shark
● The Lion in Your Living Room
● A Dog’s Life
● Tyke: Elephant Outlaw
● The Crimson Wing
● Bindi’s Bootcamp
● Wings of Life
● Born in China
● 72 Cutest Animals
● Growing Up Wild
● Baby Animals in the Wild
● Hidden Kingdoms
● Terra
● Ghost of the Mountain
● Virunga
● 72 Dangerous Animals: Asia
● The Hunt
● 72 Dangerous Animals: America
● Africa’s Deadliest
● 72 Dangerous Animals: Australia
● Trek: Spy of the Wildebeest
● Africa’s Deadliest
● Leopard Fight Club
● Animal Fight Night
● Peculiar Pets
● Race of LIfe
● Wild Ones
● David Attenborough’s Natural Curiosities
- Earth & Nature :From unbelievable natural disasters to the depths of the ocean, there’s plenty for nature-lovers on Netflix.
● Planet Earth
● Planet Earth II
● Blue Planet
● Frozen Planet
● Planet Earth: As You’ve Never Seen It
● A Plastic Ocean
● Earth’s Natural Wonders
● Mission Blue
● World’s Worst Disasters
● Nature’s Weirdest Events
● Nature’s Great Events
● Weird Wonders of the World
● Forces of Nature
● Desperate Hours: Witnesses & Survivors
● Full Force Nature
● Tornado Hunters
There’s still tons to learn about space, but Netflix has plenty to jumpstart your
out-of-this-world interests.
● Alien Contact: Outer Space
● NOVA: Earth’s Rocky Start
● Into the Inferno
● The Real Death Star
● Edge of the Universe
● Horizon: Secrets of the Solar System
● The Inexplicable Universe
● The Beginning and End of the Universe
● Horizon: Supermassive Black Holes
● Orbit
- ● In Search for Life in Space
- Presidents:From hundreds of years ago to the current president, pick any of these
educational shows on Netflix and be inspired.
● How to Win the US Presidency
● The Wheelchair President
● JFK: The Making of a President
● Meet the Trumps: From Immigrant to President
- History:History often repeats itself, so be prepared with these interesting shows.
● NOVA: Secrets of Noah’s Ark
● The Vietnam War
- ● The Pyramid Code
- ● Vikings Unearthed
● WWII in Colour
● Untold Histories of the United States
● Nazi Mega Weapons
● 9/11: Truths, Lies & Conspiracy
● Nazi Megastructures
● Auschwitz: The Nazis and the Final Solution
- ● D-Day
- ● The Royal House of Windsor
- Dinosaurs:Though they’re long gone, dinosaurs still capture our interests like nothing else!
● Raising the Dinosaur Giant
- ● Horizon Dinosaurs: The Hunt for Life
- ● Dino Hunt
Over 30 Virtual Field Trips with Links
The San Diego Zoo has a website
just for kids with amazing videos,
activities, and games. Enjoy the
National Park
Virtual Field
Mud Volcano, Mammoth Hot
Springs, and so much more. Tour Yellowstone National Park! |
Explore the surface of Mars on
the Curiosity Rover.
They are updating from WEBVR to WEBXR now, but 360 Mode offers a digital view! |
Live Cams at the San Diego Zoo
Monterey Bay Aquarium live cams Panda Cam at Zoo Atlanta 6 Animal Cams at Houston Zoo Georgia Aquarium has Jellyfish, Beluga Whales, and more |
Virtual Farm
This Canadian site FarmFood 360
11 Virtual Tours of farms from minks, pigs, and cows, to apples and eggs. |
U.S. Space
and Rocket
Museum in
Huntsville, AL
SeetheS aturn5Rocketon
YouTube and more on this
tour thanks to a real
father/son outing.
Education Virtual Field Trips |
A few of the field trip topics
Polar Bears and the Tundra Social Emotional Skills STEM manufacturing |
Travel to Paris, France to
see amazing works of art
at The Louvre with this
virtual field trip.
The Great
Wall of
ThisV irtualTouroftheGreat
Wall of China is beautiful and
makes history come to life.
Walk through the Boston
Children’s Museum thanks to
Google Maps!
This virtual tour allows kids to explore 3 floors of fun. |
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