Wednesday, March 25, 2020



So, you all heard from Mr. Cyr about how school learning is mandatory beginning Monday. What this means for First Grade is basically that I need to see or hear from your child daily, Monday through Friday in some type of way.It is important that you check into google classroom each dayto see what the lessons are. Lessons are posted at 8:00 a.m. However, you can do them anytime during the day. Not all lessons will be online lessonsyou just need to get directions for activity.​ ​It will also give you a quick message in case there is new information.
These are the ways your child can get credit for being at Home School: (Any of these will let me know your child was at school - just needs to happen daily.)
  1. Do one or more activities on Google Classroom. When done each activity, make sure to hit the Mark as Donebutton on the right hand side of the screen. This lets me know instantly that they completed a lesson.
  2. Using any of the following online sites: IXL, EPIC, RAZ-KIDS, ROCKET SPELLING, PRODIGY. These sites give me info daily on how your child is doing on the skills they work on.
  3. Join a Zoom meeting. Our meetings will be M-F at 10:00. I will not be taping these due to FERPA regulations. However, I will leave what we worked on during it on google classroom under Zoom Sessions. I will send you the link each Monday morning as a reminder. It will be the same link each time.
  4. Send me a picture of your child doing any type of learning activity: reading, writing, counting money, building something, painting, drawing, running, biking, hiking.
I understand this is difficult, some days more than others. Things will come up and zoom sessions and/or google classroom activities will be missed. However, I am very flexible. I value family time. I don’t mind when you plan your “school” time. The activities are there. You can go back to them. I do encourage you to create a schedule. Routines help tremendously.
You guys have been really great about staying connected. We just need to make sure it happens daily now and/or a weekly plan for your child if you are unable to do any of the online choices. If I don’t hear from you or your child, I have to try to connect through a phone call. Please make this easy for all of us and just find a way that works for you to stay connected.


Our pick up day has now changed to two days. You may pick up your child’s work and Chrome book (if you still need one) on Thursday or Friday from 8:00 - 12:00. It will be in
the lobby and you will need to get buzzed in. I have ordered the kids dice and cards to make sure they have some at home for math games but they haven't come in yet.


You are not expected to buy anything. The school is in the process of trying to put together some crayon/pencil type kits for those that need them.​ ​I have ordered the kids dice and cards to make sure they have some at home for math games but they haven't come in yet.

If you want to buy things for home, these are some items that would come in handy for your child: pencils, paper, crayons, colored pencils, markers, glue sticks, stapler, staples, scissors.

If you are looking for some great board/card games: Farkle, Racko, Yahtzee, Monopoly, Sequence, Skipbo, Headgames, Scrabble, regular deck of cards, Connect Four, Clue...all games are great for social skills, some academic skills and family memories!

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